On Friday, re-connect with old friends in a virtual happy hour followed by abstract presentations.

On Saturday, many interesting talks delivered by local and national speakers.

Sessions are approved for 9 CAMPEP credits and 3 SAMs

Please visit the event website to view the agenda and register:




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September 24, 2021

Time Presenter Title Download Talk
17:30-18:30 Happy Hour
18:30-20:30 Siochi, Alf Student Abstract Presentations

September 25, 2021

Time Presenter Title Download Talk
08:00-08:10 Pereira, Gisele Meeting Welcome and Opening Remarks
08:10-09:10 Rudder, Damian Patient QA
08:12-08:40 Kry, Stephen Patient Specific QA
08:40-09:10 Dimitriadou, Doris Mobius Implementation, the UPMC Experience
09:10-09:40 Pavord, Dan Med Phys 30
09:40-10:10 Martin, Richard Licensure
10:10-10:30 BREAK
10:30-11:15 Wunderle, Kevin American Association of Physicists in Medicine: Understanding Our Organization and How to Become an Active Member
11:15-12:00 Wang, Kelin Inverse Shielding for PET-MR Hybrid Imaging
12:00-12:15 BREAK: Prepare for Vendor Talks
12:15-13:15 Lunch Break - Vendor Talks
13:15-13:45 Lunch Break - Visit Vendor
13:45-14:45 Moore, Kevin Widespread clinical implementation of automated planning: what does it mean for medical physics
14:45-15:45 Siochi, Alf Image Registration
14:47-15:15 Yappanpudi, Sridhar Multi-Modality Image Registration
15:15-15:45 Cazoulat, Guillaume Deformable Image Registration
15:45-16:00 BREAK
16:00-17:00 Donaghue, Jeremy MR in the Clinic
16:02-16:30 Yu, Victoria MR Simulation in Radiation Therapy
16:30-17:00 Blackwood, Margaret MR Safety
17:00-17:30 Kim, Michele Flash Dosimetry: Are you Prepared
17:30-17:40 Awards Ceremony
17:45-18:15 Business Meeting